Ned Sedgwick: Why and How to Become a Podcaster
Events available on demand from 29-31 October

Ned Sedgwick
Podcasting is booming. There are 16 million podcast listeners in the UK. Spotify and Apple are involved in a nine figure investment arms race and advertising revenues topped one billion dollars a year in America. For every million-download podcast success, however, there are a thousand averagely made podcasts. As audiences become more and more discerning, standards are expected to be higher, just as the market becomes increasingly busy. To make matters worse, podcasting is a new, largely self-taught and fast changing medium. This means there is no simple available handbook to help you make a successful podcast.
Join Ned Sedgwick for a masterclass on how to demystify the process and create a successful, professional and dynamic podcast as he answers questions such as: why choose the podcast above other platforms to tell a life story? Can they get in to the details of something as complicated as a human biography? Are they a good place to discuss contentious or complicated events? Are publishers constantly on the lookout for podcasts that would work as books?
Ned has over five years of experience in podcasting, predominantly with the award-winning production company the Spontaneity Shop. He co-hosted BBC Radio 4’s GrownUpLand and is producer, co-host and editor for the Chelsea Physic Garden’s upcoming in-house podcast. He consults on podcast strategy to a range of businesses, from venture capital firms to foreign policy think tanks.
Chaired by Alexandra 'Lex' Hearth, Editor, DJ and host of The Hot Girls podcast.