Creating A Life Story with Vivian French & Julia Vohl
Events available on demand from 18-31 October

Vivian French

Julia Vohl
Join author Vivian French and Festival illustrator in residence, Julia Vohl, for a fun and imaginative story-making session that will describe what Boswell and Johnson’s coach driver experienced as he travelled with the writers around the Highlands and Hebrides in 1773. What did he see, what did he think and what did he hear? There’s no official record so it’s up to you to decide. In this fun, interactive workshop, Vivian French will guide you through creating an exciting adventure story whilst Julia draws the illustrations.
Vivian writes stories for picture books, fiction and non-fiction, poetry and plays. She loves the challenge of making up stories and explaining real things – from frogs, to chocolate, to worms to dinosaurs. She collaborates with many different illustrators from all over the world, enjoys working with editors, and loves meeting her readers in schools and libraries and at festivals all over the world.
American illustrator, Julia Vohl, has just completed her studies in illustration at Edinburgh College of Art.