Charlie Gilmour & Mohsin Zaidi
Events available on demand from 29-31 October

Charlie Gilmour

Mohsin Zaidi
Chaired by: James Shaw, BBC Scotland correspondent
Two highly acclaimed coming of age memoirs from young men who hail from very different backgrounds, have been on different sides of the law but have in common childhoods moulded by parental behaviour and an understanding today of the power of love.
On the day after Charlie Gilmour swung in mad protest against student fees on the Cenotaph flag, he was the most hated young man in Britain: soon to be a jailbird. The adopted son of Pink Floyd's David Gilmour, Featherhood is his searing tale of loss, addictive despair, the redemptive power of love and a passion for birds that runs in the blood – a magpie that fell into Charlie's life, swiftly changing it, and tales of a jackdaw kept by his biological father Heathcote Williams, anarchist, poet, magician, who vanishes from Charlie's life in the dead of night.
Mohsin Zaidi's A Dutiful Boy is a beautiful testament to what it means to feel “othered”. An outsider in his own country for his ethnic heritage, an outsider to his familial community due to his sexual identity, an outsider to the LGBT+ community because of his religious background, this is the story of a young boy growing up in a devout Muslim family in east London who knew he was gay but who also knew such an admission was inconceivable in a religious culture where homosexuality was still taboo. Now a high profile criminal barrister, Mohsin Zaidi is an advocate for LGBT rights, BAME representation and social mobility.
Chaired by James Shaw, BBC Scotland correspondent