A Kid's Life in Ancient Times with Chae Strathie
Events available on demand from 18-31 October

Chae Strathie
Join Chae Strathie for a fun, fascinating and informative exploration of what life was growing up in Ancient times. Join him for a whistle stop tour of a kid's life in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece and Aztec times as he talks about his British Museum commissioned series So You Think You've Got it Bad. A kid's life in ancient times might sound fun what with all that brilliant sunny weather and exciting festivals, but actually life could be pretty hard. In this hilarious event, with award-winning Chae, you will learn just how tough life could be from being cursed to snacking on maggots to embalming the dead. This event is a mash-up of reading, singing, quizzes and dodgy 'facts'.
Other titles in the series include: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Prehistoric Times and are developed in consultation with the British Museum's top specialists in ancient history.